quantum Healing hypnosis

Meet your Higher Self

Explore your consciousness

Find the root cause of any challenge

Let your Higher Self guide you in this immersive and relaxing experience, as you discover other dimensions offering clarity, transformation and expansion

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a journey of inner exploration that gently transports you to the deepest stage of hypnosis, the somnambulic trance state. Through complete relaxation of your body, your consciousness sets out to find the answers that lie within you.

Dans cet espace guidé par le Soi Supérieur, il existe une sagesse méconnue et une multitude d’informations sur soi, sur le parcours de notre âme et les manières d’apaiser des blessures anciennes et présentes. En invitant doucement le mental à céder sa place au Soi Supérieur, on acquiert une meilleure compréhension des défis qu’on rencontre, des manières de les traverser et ainsi créer un réel changement en soi.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis guides you whatever your needs, whether it's to explore a physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance, certain mechanisms in your thoughts and blocks in your feelings, or a desire to meet your Higher Self and discover your purpose in this incarnation. Quantum healing hypnosis is a true journey of connection with the soul, the beginning of a transformative process that lasts a lifetime.

About Léna

Léna is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner, using Dolores Cannon's QHHT® method and Candace Craw-Goldman's Beyond Quantum Healing method. Through her attentive listening and absolute benevolence, Léna accompanies you to an encounter with your inner self, inviting it to reveal itself and radiate fully.

You have questions?

Before booking your session, book a 20 minute appointment with Léna to discuss quantum hypnosis. It's totally free!

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session procedure

The session takes from 4 to 6 hours and is divided into three parts

Getting to know each other

The session begins with a chat to get to know each other and find out why you wanted to have this experience. We discuss everything that is most relevant to Léna, so that we can understand where you are today on your life path.

This part lasts about 2 hours.

The Hypnosis

You will be guided through a deep and pleasant state of relaxation. Your Higher Self will take you to the most appropriate time and place where there is information for you. This often involves past lives, but can also include childhood events or other interesting experiences.

Léna will then call upon your Higher Self. It is this part of yourself that answers any questions you may have about your present life.

This part usually lasts between 2 and 2h30 and will be recorded.

The Debrief

Léna will gently bring you out of hypnosis and discuss with you what happened and what you remember.

You will receive your audio recording by email within 24 hours.

The recording is a valuable resource that allows you to revisit the wisdom, responses and messages, offering you prospects for continued evolution and exploration in the weeks and months ahead.

This part lasts between 30min and 1h

Investissement : 333$

You feel ready for the transformative experience of Quantum Healing Hypnosis?

Contact Léna to book your session

